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Top 5 food trends 2023 leading into the future


What are the food trends 2023? Are you following any of these trends? Let's find out more with Soumaki in today's article.

1. Healthy eating


According to a report by Cimigo:

  • 55% of diners tend to exercise daily

  • 85% of diners are gradually shifting towards healthy eating habits

  • Many people are willing to pay an extra 10% for natural and organic products

Thus, it can be seen that domestic consumers have begun to embrace the world's healthy eating regimen. After the Covid-19 pandemic, the value of health is increasingly cherished by people. Therefore, transitioning to a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy has become a natural and necessary process.

This healthy eating trend aims to create dishes that are not only delicious but also good for both physical and mental health. Therefore, organic foods and natural products are highly valued. Cooking methods that limit the use of spices, oils, and fats are also applied.

In addition, consumers have started to take an interest in and equip themselves with knowledge about the food around them. They avoid using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and processed or pre-packaged foods, prioritizing clean, raw, and green eating, which protects not only human health but also the environment.

2. Vegetarianism


Vegetarianism/ veganism is also becoming a major trend in many countries around the world. There are three main reasons why people are gradually shifting towards a plant-based diet and reducing animal consumption:

  • For health: Fruits and vegetables are sources of healthy fiber, vitamins, and nutrients with fewer toxins compared to animal products. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables not only benefits physical health but also mental well-being.

  • For ethics: Currently, animal cruelty has been condemned and protested against in many places around the world. Animals also have emotions, and many people want to treat animals as friends rather than as food on the table.

  • For religious: Many religions around the world consider vegetarianism/veganism as the foundation of nurturing their spiritual nature, such as Buddhism. With the belief in nurturing compassion and kindness towards all creatures and reducing the karma of killing, many followers worldwide have taken a vow to follow a vegetarian/vegan diet.

3. Alternative protein sources


Eating insects is not something entirely new, especially for the Vietnamese people. Insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and palm weevils are delicacies in some localities in Vietnam.

Currently, insect-based food is gaining popularity due to two main reasons:

  • High nutritional value: Studies have shown that insects are rich in protein compared to traditional meats. Insects not only serve as a replacement for animal protein in meals but can also substitute for certain substances used in medicine and cosmetics.

  • Environmental sustainability: Livestock farming puts significant pressure on the environment. Shifting towards insect farming can significantly reduce costs and waste. This new trend addresses the demand for environmentally friendly food with high nutritional value.

Moreover, many biotechnology companies have invented ways to "eat animals without harming animals." By culturing a single cell of shrimp species in the laboratory, they can create an intact "shrimp" with the exact taste and flavor as naturally hatched shrimp. If you want to learn more about this topic, you can watch the video here.

4. Local market


Prioritizing local produce and adhering to the principles of a sustainable lifestyle is also one of the food trends 2023 that many people are embracing.

By choosing seasonal foods from the region, people can experience the diverse flavors of local fruits, vegetables, and other produce. Supporting local farmers helps generate income for them while reducing costs associated with importing, preserving, and distributing food.

In many regions around the world, communities have come together to form small and large collectives, living together and prioritizing the use of their local produce. They do this to directly select healthy, safe food from nearby sources and create self-sustaining communities that are not dependent on capital.

In Vietnam, there are also many forests and interconnected communities that form small-scale ecosystems, providing quality agricultural products to the people. Examples: Xanhshop, Lá Mây Farm, Noom

5. Efforts to address food waste


Food waste is truly an escalating global issue. The red alarm on food waste has been raised in many countries, including Vietnam (Vietnam is among the top countries in the region with food waste).

In response to this situation, the trend of maximizing the utilization and recycling of surplus food sources has emerged. The battle against food waste starts right from your own home and has gained significant support. This includes recycling food scraps such as peels, fruit and vegetable cores, leftover washing water, and even fermentation and composting spoiled food to create natural insect repellents, organic fertilizer, and soil enrichers.

Online forums and communities share a wealth of information and useful tips on food utilization and recycling. You can search and follow these platforms to learn, develop awareness, and adopt sustainable lifestyles that live in harmony with nature and the environment.

Some useful Facebook groups: Cộng đồng ẩm thực-tiêu dùng xanh (Green Food and Consumption Community), Vườn Thùy Lâm (Thuy Lam's Garden), Liên minh nông nghiệp tử tế (Sustainable Agriculture Alliance)...


The aforementioned food trends 2023 all embody the current perspectives of individuals, focusing on sustainability, healthiness, and harmony with nature.

With a determined attitude and continuous efforts, starting by changing ourselves, we can contribute to building longevity not only for ourselves but also for the planet and the environment.