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How many calories you should eat in a day?


The question of “How many calories you should eat in a day??” has recently become a hot topic. People are very concerned about controlling the energy (calories) in their bodies. In this article, Soumaki will share with you how to build a suitable calorie meal for each group of people.

What are Calories?

When we eat and drink, food is converted into energy that helps us maintain our daily lives. This energy is called calories. Therefore, calories are units of measurement for energy in the body.


Calories are often abbreviated as cal or kcal. It is important to distinguish between calorie and calories. You can understand it this way:

1 calorie = 1 cal = 1 kcal = 1000 calories

Calorie is commonly used in chemistry and research, while calories refer to the types of energy metabolized in food and the human body.

The Importance of Calories

Just as a car needs gasoline to start, our body constantly burns energy (calories) every day to maintain life. Without calories, it is difficult to survive, let alone exercise.

On average, 75% of the calories in our body are burned for continuous metabolism. The remaining 25% is used for energy supply during exercise, training, and digestion of food.

When there is a calorie deficiency or excess, the body will have symptoms:

  • Excess calories: easy accumulation of fat and obesity, leading to health problems such as joint problems, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory problems.

  • Calorie deficiency: the body and mind become tired, easily irritable, and unable to concentrate. Continuing this can lead to weakness, reduced immunity, and susceptibility to infection.

How many calories you should eat in a day?

In this section, Soumaki will explain how many calories one should consume daily, which is suitable for each person's body weight/needs. Let's follow below.

1. Classification by gender

According to the Nutrition Institute, the calorie consumption chart for men/women by age group is:



Where A, B, C are levels of calorie consumption for different lifestyles:

  • A: sedentary lifestyle, only light physical activity throughout the day

  • B: moderately active lifestyle, equivalent to walking about 2.4 - 4.8 km/day

  • C: highly active lifestyle, equivalent to walking more than 4.8 km/day

From the chart above, we can see that for a three-meal diet per day:

  • For the average female (14-50 years old): it is necessary to consume from 600 to 800 calories per meal

  • For the average male (14-50 years old): it is necessary to consume from 733 to 1,067 calories per meal

However, to accurately calculate your own calorie intake, it will depend on many other factors: height, weight, age, gender, metabolism, level of physical activity... (in addition to physiological hormones, current illnesses, medications being used...)

2. Classification by needs

Soumaki found that there are two main needs for calorie control:

2.1. Weight gain

According to, to gain 1kg in 1 week while still ensuring safety for health:


  • Adult males: need to consume from 3000 - 3500 calories/day

  • Adult females: need to consume from 2500 - 3000 calories/day

If you eat at the recommended energy level above consistently for 6 months, you can gain 6.8 - 11.4kg. However, this recommendation is only a suggestion, so it cannot be true for everyone.

Recommended nutritional values for each meal for weight gain:

  • 55% of energy comes from carbohydrates

  • 20% of energy comes from protein

  • 25% of energy comes from unsaturated fats

Recommended foods to help gain weight: whole milk, white rice, grains, red meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, bread...

Note: this information is referenced from European sources, so it may be more suitable for the body types of Europeans than Asians. The energy level above is for reference only, you can adjust it to suit yourself better.

2.2. Weight loss

To lose 0.5kg in 1 week while still ensuring safety for health:


  • Adult males: need to consume from 2000 - 2500 calories/day

  • Adult females: need to consume from 1500 - 2000 calories/day

The proposed level above is equivalent to reducing 500 calories per day to be able to lose 0.5kg/week. This will help the body adapt while still ensuring health. If you try to lose more than 0.5 - 1kg per week, it may cause loss of muscle mass and water in the body. It can even have reverse effects. You should carefully consider the weight loss diet to make it suitable.

Recommended nutritional values for each meal for weight loss:

  • 45% of energy comes from carbohydrates

  • 35% of energy comes from protein

  • 20% of energy comes from unsaturated fats

Recommended foods to help lose weight: meat, fish, seafood, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, low-carb fruits, nuts, vegetable oil, filtered water, tea, chocolate...

Note: this information is referenced from European sources, so it may be more suitable for the body types of Europeans than Asians. The energy level above is for reference only, you can adjust it to suit yourself better.

Building a reasonable calorie meal with Soumaki

If you don't have time to prepare your daily meals to match your calorie needs, let Soumaki take care of that for you.

1. Provide calorie index for each dish

At our healthy restaurant, each dish on the menu specifies the number of calories, and is divided into 4 main groups:

  • Dishes < 350 calories are suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly

  • Dishes from 350 - 550 calories are suitable for those who want to lose weight/ maintain their shape

  • Dishes > 600 calories are suitable for those who want to gain weight/build muscle

  • Dishes > 800 calories suitable for those who want to gain weight quickly

2. Providing macro-nutrient index

In addition to information about the total calorie amount, Soumaki also provides details on 3 important macro-nutrients in the body, which are:

  • Protein: makes up muscles, skin, and organs. Eating more protein can help strengthen muscles, but if not exercising, excess protein will be converted into fat causing obesity.

  • Carbs: commonly understood as a substance that makes the body gain weight. However, choosing the right type of carbs can help you lose weight and maintain a balanced shape.

  • Fat: helps nourish, operate, and provide energy for the body. There are many different types of fats, some beneficial and some harmful to the body.

Based on the data on these 3 components, you can consider the percentage of nutrients that are suitable for your body.

3. Providing a calorie calculation table for each food

Furthermore, you can rely on Soumaki's calorie calculation table for each type of food to choose the most suitable option for yourself.


We hope this article can help you clarify how many calories you should eat in a day that is suitable for your own needs. Wish you to achieve your desired body and health soon.